Saturday, 1 February 2014

My commitment to myself on my 34th birthday

Hi everyone!

I've never blogged -don't even post much on facebook and twitter- but I feel that this journey will be worth documenting for many reasons:

1. Ability to see my transformation: physically, emotionally and rationally. 

2. Keeping track of what works and what doesn't as I progress towards my goal. 

3. Obtaining support from my friends/family via this blog. 

So here's the deal: Today I turn 34, hence my 35th year on this planet commences. And starting tomorrow, I am starting on a new journey : the Biggest Loser program at 180 fitness ( It's a 12-week program that involves 3-4 weekly training sessions, mindset workshops and nutrition seminars. It really seems like the full package. 

Tomorrow the team of 20 participants will be meeting with the trainers and dietitian, we will be weighed and measured, and pictures will be taken of us. 

After years of yo-yo dieting, of stress eating, of late night nachos and beer, and so on, I am now at the heaviest weight I have ever been. I feel it in my health for the first time too. Given this, I have decided to take on this challenge. 

I will be detailing my experiences, my new acquaintances, my transformations and much more over the next 12 weeks and beyond!

Thanks for reading this as I commence this new adventure!

Gen :-)


  1. Good luck babes I know you can do this. :)

  2. I thought that was you!! Congrats :) Looking forward to reading your post :)

  3. Congrats for starting this Gen!
