Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Heaven is... Chocolate Avocado Pudding!

Results of my second week at the BL were better than I expected. Three more pounds lost! Woot Woot! And I'm still in the running I would say (fell down to 3rd place, but just by a smidge!). I am pretty pleased with the results, as I did not have the best week ever, eating wise and missed a workout. 

Yesterday was probably my best workout thus far. I felt healthier than I have since the beginning of the program - my bronchitis is finally in check - and I was able to really push myself. The trainer (Justin) assigned us a circuit of different exercises, increasing our sets as we progressed thru. We did this for about 40 minutes and my partner and I completed 10 sets for each exercise! It felt so great to sweat like that (plus ball slams were on the program - I actually LOVE throwing down those medicine balls... allows for a bit of agression).

In addition to a great workout, I came home to a treat of deliciousness: a new discovery called avocado chocolate pudding! This has been on the meal plan from the beginning, but being a little put off of avocadoes, I had not made this recipe yet. Finally made it yesterday, saving it for an evening snack. 

Oh. My. God. I never thought I would like it this much, but this decadent dessert is heaven, and chockfull of healthy nutrients to boot. I will most definitely be making this one again. Had a bit of it with a banana last night, and it really hit the spot. Here's a recipe: http://janetandgreta.com/recipe/april-2013-newsletter-chocolate-avocado-pudding/

Tomorrow night, we have a second mindset seminar followed by a workout. I hope to gain more insight on how to keep this motivation going and of course, I am looking forward to sweating up a storm! 

1 comment:

  1. yum !! I will have to give that recipe a try. What helps me stay motivated is setting mini goals. Every five pounds I reward myself with a non-food items. ex pedicure, a new book or a day at the spa. Have a great workout!
